ENFANCE en France

Je suis né à Marseille le 21/04/1956 ....c'était une année particulièrement froide , l'eau de mer gelait dans le vieux port !

I was born in MARSEILLES 1956/04/21...it was a so cold winter that the sea , in the old harbour , in the middle of the city, vas full of ice ! but spring goes back...and so i'lldo on this page , soon !

Dans la bibliothèque de mes parents en  chène clair, des livres de reproductions , sur les impressionnistes, MONET, PISSARO, DEGAS, TOULOUSE LAUTREC aussi, une assez belle édition avec de bonnes photo ! je me souviens de conversations, après le repas, dans la fumée des gauloises du grand père , un bon peintre du dimanche, mon Pépé HENRI SILVY ! Il parlait toujours de MONTICCELLI, qu'il semblait avoir rencontré, mais dont on ne voyait jamais les oeuvres, et il vomissait PICASSO ! Un gars, disait il,  qui savait très bien dessiner et peindre mais qui faisait des cochonneries pour les idiots et les snobs ! Pendant longtemps, il était allé aux cours du soir de l'école des beaux arts de MARSEILLE.

Mon autre grand -père,le mécanicien,  Pépé MARCEL PHILIBERT  ne peignait pas car il était daltonien, mais il dessinait fort bien , et je me rappelle l'avoir vu faire , avec de l'argile ramassée dans un creux de rocher, près d'AUBAGNE, la tête de son chien, Babalet, bien modelée, fidèlement ! Son frère, qu'on appellait GRAND -PARRAIN, (un titre de parenté  tout à fait original ),etait dans les arts appliqués et dessinait , entre deux guerres, de belles boîtes en fer , décorées  de décalcomanies, et souvent en volume ,un peu bas-relief, pas des boites de iscuits, non , plutôt ces boites ou on gardait des photos, des papiers de famille....

On ligt oak bookshlves, when I was young, my parents had impressive books oon impressionists painters,MONET,PISSARO,DEGAS,TOULOUSE LAUTREC, it was a nice  popular edition , with good photos, so good that when I lately discover the originals frames in QUAI D' ORSAY museum I feel sometime disapointed by the "dry " surface of my favorite pictures, specially  those from MONNET,my Favourite, With PISSARO, of course .A friend of mine told me that specially MONET looks for that chalky surface, and let a moment the colors on absorbing paper before use to low dawn oil excess.If somebody can confirm that information, i'd be glad to know exactly who notice that in the workshop ...you can contact me on the same site , in contact device, it's made for !

My grandfather, Pépé HENRY SILVY was a good painter , an artist in his heart, really , and smoking gauloises cigarettes , after sunday meal, he invocates  MONTICCELLI, a famous painter he was found of, but in this time , it was difficult to see his work . He is now clebrated as a VAN GOGH precursor .He hated PICASSO, saying "This man can paint and sketch wonderfully, and he is making horrors for snobs and stupid people who applause !
 It was a very common attitude on this time, this also has changed , for the better !

MY other grandpa did not paint, because he has a lack in color perception, but he made goog sketches, an I remember him making figure of his dog, the little Babalet, with clay from AUBAGNE a pottery place near MARSEILLES . He was  working in mecanics, an repairs cars motors, at this time a lot of cars still have wood pieces  !

His  brother, named GRAND PARRAIN, was a professionnal designer, He made visual comm,and designed,between the wars, tin and metalic boxes, not for biscuits, some more luxuous with medieval illustrations ,sometimes, the kind of box  with little keys,people used in this time to keep important papers...they told me he was a good mandoline player, he died some weeks before my birth, unfortunely ... he is a missing piece in my own construction , may be ...I soon try to post here photo of one of this box remaining in the familly as a memory of this good man.

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